Chris Barrington strats as capenter at Arts and Craft Town in Kingston.
His eather brother Eric Barrington was going to take over his father Sean Barrington’s workshop, so when the carpenter of Wondon was killed in 521, he took the chance and seattle down in Wondon as a carpenter.
Emma starts dating Chris Barrington
Chris Barrington buys a crate of contraception potion of Ley Reise, at Rooster Claw.
On return from Rooster Claw. Chris Barrington presents Emma Barrington with a crate of contraception potion, and Emma Valdor let him pop her cherry joyfully.
Emma Valdor sees Chris Barrington hugging Linette Rowley, and gets jaloux, and breaks up with him, and moves back to her parents.
In the evening, at the snug of The Old Witch Chris Barrington begins kissing Miranda Calzone.
Bradley Owens and Robyn McGovern enters the stage of The Old Witch, where he's playing while she's singing.
An intoxicated Lady Stefani of Wondon is dancing with Philip Arden.
Melanie Noneman and Anthony Reise are dancing.
Miranda Calzone does the dance with Chris Barrington.
While dancing with Miranda Calzone, Chris Barrington tries to imprss her, by bragging abot, he has a chest of gold at his work shop.
Keith Valdor makes a cuddling dance with Arcy Jacopbs.
Nicolas Meligan dances with Emma Valdor.
At noon, at the work shop of the carpenter, Miranda Calzone is hugging Chis Barrington, and get him to show her the chest of gold.
While Chris Barrington is cooking some tea at the kitchen, Miranda Calzone is placing a ladder up to The Old Witch from the carpenter's yard.
Next morning, Miranda Calzone visits the carpenter's, and whil she's snogging with him, Philip Arden climbs down the ladder, and steals the chest.
When Philip Arden has returned to The Old Witch, Miranda Calzone brings Chris Barrington's attention, to his chest had gone.
Chris Barrington wants to alarm the sheriff, and that wasn't the plan of Miranda Calzone, os she offers to sound the alarm at The Old Witch.
Chris Barrington rushes to the sheriff office, to tell he's robbed.
Sheriff, Boris Smith is daffing to the carpenter shop to see for himself, followed by the upsweted Chris Barrington.
At the carpenter work shop, Anthony Reise and Melanie Noneman find Chris Barrington showing Sheriff Boris Smith, where the chest of gold stood this morning.
Boris Smith isn't fond of leaving the town unguarded, and Melanie Noneman had to return to The Old Witch, where her sister is giving birth to help Michail Warren, so he sends Anthony Reise to inform the castle.
Chris Barrington, however, tells Lady Stefani of Wondon, that the midwife in Rooster Claw, Ley Reise, is selling contraception potion illigally, because she eather had to serve as a midwife or to illigally sell contraception potion.
Sir William of Wondon is addressing Sheriff Boris Smith and the father of Ricky, Micheal Warren, who's surrounded by Bradley and Frederic Owens, Keith and Emma Valdor, Chris Barrington, Amanda Noneman and Miranda Calzone, who had comed out to see what's going on.
While Sheriff Boris Smith is watch, Sir William of Wondon have a look at the coins in the purse Micheal Warren presenting him, and sais: I don't know how witch coins look like, but thise coins looks bewitched.
It's getting dark now, and I can't see a ting, but tomorrow I'll go on a witch-hunting, Sir William of Wondon says.
Loudly Sir William of Wondon shouts: Tomorrow I'll going to chase this witch, and if I catch her, I'll drown her in the well of the Castle and send her head to Princess Donna. There is notting I can do now, but I stay in the town tonight, so everybody is safe now.
Do you have an accommodation for me and Philip Arden, at the inn, Sir William of Wondon asks Micheal Warren? I'll like to start the hunt the witch, early tomorrow.
Micheal and Ricky Warren, Bradley and Frederic Owens, Keith and Emma Valdor, Chris Barrington, Amanda Nonemanand and Miranda Calzone follow Sir William of Wondon into the The Old Witch.
Micheal and Ricky Warren, Bradley and Frederic Owens, Keith and Emma Valdor, Chris Barrington, Amanda Nonemanand and Miranda Calzone follow Sir William of Wondon into the The Old Witch.
Philip Arden finds Emma at a table together with her brother Keith Valdor, where they're enjoiying a bottle of Thayn's together, and asks Emma to join Sir William of Wonden.
Keith Valdor gets off the table, and tells, Emma, he's going hime to their parents, to tell them, what's going on, before Emma is following Philip Arden to the table of Sir William of Wondon.
Sir William of Wondon tells Emma Valdor, that he's worried, he lefted the castle to go witch hunting, he's asking Emma, First thing tomorrow, to go to the castle, and tell Lady Stefani, she'll be in charge, while he's away. She can take Chris Barrington with her.
Emma Valdor objects, she'd brocken up with Chris Barrington a long time ago, but discharges her, and asks Chris Barrington to the table, and orders a bottle of wine for Emma and Chris.
While Chris Barrington shyly cones to the table, Micheal Warren suggest a bottle of Steinmetz's for the lord.
Sir William of Wondon gets more intoxicated, and while Miranda Calzone is serving two bottles of Steinmetz's for him, Philip Arden, Emma Valdor and Chris Barrington. While Miranda Calzone is serving the wine, he stars foundle her bum tenderly, and askes, if Bradley and Frederic Owens, can play a song about Witch hunting, which Miranda can be dancing to?
Miranda Calzone furiously goes upstairs, and Bradley Owens replies, he don't know any songs about hunting witches, but Frederic and him, can perform a song about the Wondon Witch.
Meanwhile Bradley and Frederic Owens is playing, Chris Barrington shyly is kissing Emma Valdor, who's tenderly kissing him back.
While Bradley and Frederic Owens are playing the son about The Witch of Wondon, Miranda Calzone returns to serve two bottles of Steinmetz's more for Sir William of Wondon, Philip Arden, Emma Valdor and Chris Barrington, who now are engaged in kissing and cuddling with Emma.
When Bradley and Frederic Owens had finished playing, Sir William of Wondon is rather intoxicated, and Philip Arden is helping him upstairs to their accommodations, while Miranda Calzone is letting Bradley and Frederic Owens, Emma Valdor and Chris Barrington, who wants and exstra bottle of Thayn's to go home.
It has started to snow, whem Chris Barrington goes home from The Old Witch with Emma Valdor to the carpentor though the snow with a bottle of Thayn's
At the carpentor, Chris Barrington opens the bottle and his makes him self cosy, sharing the wine with Emma Valdor, who asks, if Chis Barrington has any contraception potions left? He finds a last bottle of contraception potion, which she consumes, before they joyfully start making love together.
Next Morning, Chris Barrington tells Emma Barrington, it was the last of the contraception potion, he had, and they got to get a crate more, if they are going to contiue making love. Emma Valdor answers Chris, she'll ask Lady Stefani of Wondon, if she got any more potion left, when she sees her later today. Then Emma Valdor borrows the horse of Chis, and goes to The Old Witch, while Chris is waring her, both Miranda Calzone and Philip Arden is there.
In the afternoon two days later, Emma, who has his horse, and Ralph Valdor is knocking at the door of Chris Barrington, and Emma gives him his horse back, and Emma is asking Chis, if he'll comes to The Old Witch to share a bottle of Thayn's?
At The Old Witch Chris Barrington orders a bottle of Thayn's to share with Emma and Ralph Valdor.
While they are watching Miranda Calzone and Monica Smith dancing, Emma Valdor gets annoyed becase of the transparent dress, Miranda is wearing, and Ralph joins Debbie Jacobs, Elissa Noneman, Jean Rowley, who is amorously chatting with Frederic Owens.
Boris Smith is entering The Old Witch, and hugs Tyra, and ask her, how she's doing.
Tyra Smith tell him, Monica had been dancing with Miranda Calzone all day, and Philip Arden has been playing with David sll day. I doesn't thinks the villainds are hiding any thing — espical not Miranda, she gigglingly adds.
Boris, Tyra, Monica and David Smith goes home to the sheriff office.
Bradley Owens goes home, too, taking Frederic with him, who kissed Debbie Jacobs, Elissa Noneman and Jean Rowley goodbye.
Jean Rowley goes home with her brother, Fredy.
Chris Barrington shyly invites Emma Valdor to dine with him at home. She's saying goodbye to Ralph Valdor, and tells him, she's going to sleep with Chris tonight, and he must go home alone.
When Chris Barrington gets home with Emma Valdor, he opens yet an other bottle of Thayn's, and begins cooking supper for Emma.
Chris Barrington comments, he's still a bit worried, that both Miranda Calzone and Philip Arden are stayimg at The Old Witch.
Emma Valdor answers, she doesn't thinks, Miranda is hiding any thing, and Chris Barrington got a pritty good look at her, she giggles.
Miranda Calzone cheated him, Chis Barrington sais abrupt. He's so happy, Emma Valdor is back, he adds, while he's serving supper for her.
After finishing the supper, they finished the wine, too, and Emma Barrington promises to monitoring Miranda Calzone again, tomorrow.
In the evening, the next Day, Chris Barrington is entering The Old Witch, too, and begins kissing Emma Valdor.
While Ralph Valdor, Monica Smith and Debbie Jacobs are going home, Miranda Calzone asks, if Chris Barrington and Emma is going to eat here, but Chris Barrington replies, they are going to eat at his place.
When Chris Barrington and Emma Valdor had come home, he had cooked supper of her, and he opens a bottle of Thayn's, before they eat.
While eating supper and drinking wine, Chris Barrington is curious to know, how it went to monitoring the villainds, Miranda Calzone and Philip Arden today?
Appart from knowing, that the dauther of Sheriff Boris Smith, Monica Smith, is a curious brat, and Emma already knew it, Emma doesn't thinks the villainds, Miranda Calzone and Philip Arden are up to any thing for the moment.
Emma Valdor had consitered, why Sir William of Wondon consiteres it to be a punishment, to be married to his sister. and the friend of Emma, Lady Stefani, but Sir William appearenly knows, what he's doing, because Lady Stefani has appearenly entrusted Philip Arden something, which he likes Miranda to keep safe for him.
Next morning, when Emma Valdor goes to The Old Witch. to monitoring the villainds, she sais, she'll exspecting her brother, Keith, will return tonight, and she'll have Miranda Calzone to cook supper for them, and she wants him, to dine with her at The Old Witch tonight.
Late afternoon, Chris Barney arrives, too, and Miranda Calzone is serving dinner for them.
While eating and drinking wine, Keith Valdor is telling, they didn't found the wicked witch at Lawrow Lake.
The wicked witch has been seen flying over Templeton Lake in dirction of Grossbourgh Shire, so she's probably there, now, Philip Arden notes, but he has to go to Rooster Claw tomorrow, so somebody else has to go to the castle tomorrow, to notisfiy Sir William.
We did tried something new, Keith Valdor shyly renarks. Arcy and Keith had made love on their trip to Lawrow Lake, and Kieth wants to know, where Emma gets her contraception potion from.
I'm going for contraception potion in Rooster Claw tomorrow, and he can take an exsta crate with him, for Arcy Jacobs, Philip Arden helpfully remarks.
Emma Valdor, who does wants her brother, Keith, to make an unexspected child on Arcy Jacobs, suggests Arcy can store a crate of potion at Chris Barrington.
Chis Barrington firmely points out, as much as he loves Emma Valdor, he don't wants his house turned in to a love shack for Keith and Arcy Jacobs. They have to go somewhere else to do their shagging.
Miranda Calzone kindly suggests, she keeps a crate of potion in safe for Arcy Jacobs, and away from Julie Warren, and Arcy can have it here, at The Old Witch.
Arcy Jacobs agree to give Philip Arden the money to buy a crate of potion for her, and Emma offecs, to go to the castle tomorrow, to forward the message, while Philip Arden is at Rooster Claw.
Next morning, when Emma has said goodbye to Chris Barrington, she takes her horse, to go to the castle as promised, to inform Sir William of Wondon.
The day after Christmas at Noon, Emma Valdor sees Philip Arden parsing by, and rush over to the grocery shop to find Arcy Jacobs and tells her, that they got to act now, to get some contraception potion.
At dusk, Chris Barrington misses Emma Valdor and sets off to The Old Witch to see, what she's doing.
Out side The Old Witch, Keith Valdor is meeting Chris Barrington, who's going in to the inn too.
At dusk, Chris Barriton and Keith Valdor are entering The Old Witch too.
I saw Arcy Jacobs entering The Old Witch, and orders some supper for them all at Miranda Calzone.
Miranda Calzone serves them jet a bottle of Monoz's wine, before she goes cooking at the kitchen.
Miranda Calzone is serving them supper, and after they have supper Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs are cuddling a lot.
Emma Valdor point out to Philip Arden, that he shall deliver both crates of contraception porion to her, then he returns from Rooster Claw.
When Keith Valdor wants to follow Arcy Jacobs home, Emma Valdor and Chris Barriton follow them out of The Old Witch, and Miranda Calzone lock up after them.
Emma Valdor gives him giggling, a bottle of contraception potion, and asks him, if Arcy Jacobs are in need of being satisfied again.
Chris Barrington is intervening, and sais, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs are not to be bumbing the uglies at his place, tonight.
Keith Valdor replies, he guesses that it would be more mature, if he books an accommodation for Arcy Jacobs and him, at The Old Witch.
You daren't, Emma Valdor teases his brother, when Kieth Valdor heads off to The Old Witch.
Emma and Chris Barrington marries.